
📢 TutorPlus Studio - Simplest online teaching studio setup 📢

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction:

TutorPlus is committed to safeguarding the privacy of users (“User”, “Individual/ Entity” or “you”). 

This privacy policy explains our policy towards clear and transparent use, collection, disclosure and transfer of your information to our subsidiary and/or affiliate(s) (collectively referred to as the “Company” or “We, Us, Our”). 

The information provided by you will help us serve you better and provide you a better product. 

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third-party applications or software that integrates with the Services through the TutorPlus platform (“Third Party Services”), or any other third party products, services or businesses.

We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy to stay informed. You will be deemed to have accepted the changes in any revised Privacy Policy by your continued use of the Application.

2. What is “Personal Data”? 

Any information which identifies You, including information such as your name, phone number, email address, company name (if applicable) and specific information about you as a user (and not any other person) that we either hold to. Some data falls into a category known as Special Category Data(personal) where usually the processing of that data can only be undertaken with your consent.

3. What is Special Category data? 

Special Category Data(personal) is data that identifies particular characteristics and where your privacy deserves special protection. Personal Data Revealing your ethnicity, religious beliefs, trade union membership, political opinion and  Data Concerning a person’s health and sexual orientation are examples of Special categories of data. 

4. What data we collect

  1. Personal Information

We only collect and hold information relevant to the purpose of our dealings with you lawfully. Processing such information subsequently carried out by us in pursuance of our legitimate interest, for the purpose of entering into a valid contract and subsequent provision of services under the contract. We collect, hold and process such information in the way we describe within the policy. We make individuals aware of our policy in reference to our holding and any processing of that person’s information at the purpose of collection of the Data concerned. 

List of Personal Information we may collect:

ï       Personal information includes name, username, e-mail address, telephone number. 

ï      Age, gender and date of birth, etc. 

ï       Name of organization, postal address, country or area, 

ï       Access log files, cookies and other information collected upon your visit to this website.

You may have been re-directed to this Policy through a weblink we provided you with the intention to make you aware of our policy in connection to our holding and processing of your data at the point of collection of such personal information.

5. How we collect Personal information 

We may collect your Personal information at the purpose you make an inquiry of TutorPlus Products. This includes any telephone inquiries you may make and inquiries that we receive at an event including marketing activities we conduct. Certain information may already be held by us once you make contact if you’ve researched/inquired about our business and product but until you contact us will have been held on an anonymized basis.

By providing us with your business card or completing an inquiry/contact form offered to you by us we’ll communicate you assuming that you simply allow us that we do so. We’ll invite you to consent to our retaining of your information and therefore the consent you’ll provide could also be withdrawn at any time by contacting: info@gotutorplus.com

Initially, your personal details are going to be processed in these circumstances on the idea that it is in our legitimate interest to interact with individuals and organizations who are interested in TutorPlus products and services and what we do within the education domain. 

Thereafter we will only retain your personal information if we are entitled to do so based upon you have freely consented to further communication otherwise you agreeing to pilot the TutorPlus Learning Platform. 

When it is communicated to us that you simply wish to receive information from us we will accordingly only retain your information on a basis that entitles us to thereafter hold and use that Personal information with an express consent provided by you to us holding the information and for every purpose that we then shall use that information. If you sign up for any training event or conference we also require personal information so that we can communicate with you and prepare for your involvement in the event. 

6. Why we collect personal information

a). To provide better service.

We collect personal information from you to understand your needs to serve you better. In connection with your subscription to the TutorPlus platform you may, for instance, use the services to grant and take away access to, assign roles and configure settings, create student profiles, modify, export, share and remove your Data and otherwise apply its policies to the Services.
E.g.: for purposes associated with the activation, billing, support, updates, troubleshoot and resolve problems, repair & maintenance, deactivation, answer to service requests.

b)  To communicate with you.

If you indicate now or at a future time that you consent to our doing so, we will maintain the personal information you provide us with in order that we may:- 

  • Contact you to communicate you of services and products we will be providing; 
  • Upon receiving and inquiry send you requested information about our services or products; or 
  • Contact you with updates within the further development of any products and/or services you’ve got expressed interest in. 

We consider that we may use your personal data and our processing of that Personal Data will accordingly arise within the course of pursuing our legitimate interests as a business engaged in and committed to the success of the education sector.  

Our emails provided on the basis above will always have an opt-out option in respect of further communications. 

c) To provide better user management.

Information collected in connection with the registration of subscription/user account/service – Educational Institution and/or Individual Educators/Teachers: 

We will collect and process the following data about you (Educational Institution and/or Educators/Teachers) which may include any staff engaged by yourself who utilize the Platform in connection with registration/student accounts management. 

We will collect and process the following data provided by you about your students:

Student personal data, Example: Date of birth, email address, Name, gender, User name, and other in personal information to create a student profile, Parent details including occupation and education, Health information.

The information will be collected either from the person to whom you have granted administrative rights on behalf of the educational institution or directly from you in case of the individual educator/teacher as the case may be. The information is collected within the Platform or as a result of any correspondence with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise. 
Any data collected.

Student personal data may be collected. Such information may be collected upon parental/guardian consent taken by the education institution/educators/teachers as per Terms of use of Service.   

d) To provide personalised learning experience.

The TutorPlus Platform enables the educational institutions and/or individual educators/teachers to use the services on the Platform available to its students based on the subscription agreement. The Learning Platform can only be access by the students if the educational institution or individual educator/teacher has approve the student with the appropriate login or ID access code and the student may be required to enter his name, username, password, and date of birth etc.

The educational institution or an individual educator/teacher to ensure that any student to whom they intend to provide with login or an ID access code (including, students under the age of 16) have, before any such login or code is provided, obtained all necessary consents and permissions (from a parent and/or guardian) to use the Platform and for us to collect and process any user data.  

You are also reminded that upon a student attaining the age of 16 there is a legal requirement to retake consent directly from the student and we require the relevant School to secure that consent. 

As an Educator/Teacher you acknowledge and warrant that you have and will provide all requisite authority from, and on behalf of, the student including where relevant the parent/guardian of the student and on behalf of the educational institution to (i) for you to provide the Platform and make it available to student users; (ii) allow the student to use the Platform and, (iii) and to make any User Data available to us in connection with the use of the Platform on the terms set out in our terms and conditions and this privacy policy. 

Analytics Feature:  You explicitly grant camera and microphone permissions to capture images, videos, video calls and record the same for classroom analytics features. 

We may collect and process such data for emotion tracking and facial monitoring of students for our analytics.

We believe that you, the user has prior permissions to use the analytics feature for the classroom. In the case of students below 16 years of age for the above purpose, the you shall procure written permission from Guardian /Parents as mentioned in EULA.

A student himself or his guardian/Parent(student under 16 years of age) can opt-out. The data collected for the analytics purpose will be stored and processed anonymously for limited analytics features for such students to choose to opt-out.

e) Technical information.

We will automatically collect the subsequent information in connection with the educator/Teacher Users and Student Users use of the Platform

ï      Information concerning Login, Internet protocol (IP address); to connect the computer to the internet, browser Version, Time-Zone setting. Browser, plug-in (types & Version) operating system, and the user device.

ï      Information concerning your visit including the date and time of access, the duration of your visit to the Platform, details of the Platform features which were utilized during the visit and for how long, the location from which the Platform was accessed page response times; 

ï      download errors, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs);

ï      Much of this information are going to be collected using cookies. For details of cookies and their use in connection with the Platform please see our Cookies Policy.

7.Data Retention

Where we keep in touch with you to give you information about TutorPlus products and services we ask you from time to time to check the Personal information that we hold and we will be glad to update that in accordance with your wishes. For Institutes Educator/teacher and students involved with the TutorPlus Learning Platform, our agreement requires the School to provide us with information concerning Educator/teacher and Student (users) when any of that information changes (such as a joining of a new Student or a change in the identity of a member of staff to be provided with access to the Platform).

We will retain your data in accordance with your consent, or in accordance with any applicable terms in the EULA Agreement and your use of any functionality(service), and as required by applicable law. You can apply different settings to messages, files or other types of your personal information. 

The deletion of such Personal information and other use of the Service may result in the deletion and/or de-identification of certain associated Other Information. For more detail, please contact hello@gotutorplus.com
We may retain other information pertaining to you for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. 

8. Keeping your Personal information up to Date 

Where we keep in touch with you to give you information about TutorPlus and our services we ask you from time to time to check the Personal information that we hold and we will be glad to update that in accordance with your wishes. For students and staff involved with the TutorPlus Learning Platform, our agreement with the school requires the them to provide us with information concerning Staff and Users when any of that information changes (such as a new Student to be provided with access to the Platform or a change in the identity of a member of staff). 

9. Unsubscribe and Right to have Personal information Deleted 

Where you have consented to contact being made by us with you for any of the purposes mentioned above but you no longer wish to receive emails from us or wish to change your selections as to how or what our contact with you should be please email us at the hello@gotutorplus.com with “Email Unsubscribe” in the subject heading. We will act upon this as soon as practicable.

You may also wish to write to us at the address given in at the beginning of this Policy. 

If you choose to unsubscribe from our mailing lists we will only make contact with you again in circumstances where you have consented to our being re-provided with your information and that contact is authorized by you.


If you are a parent/guardian and believe that your child have provided us with personal information, please contact us. We do not knowingly collect personal information form users under the age of 16 years directly. on such an occasion, we delete personal information from our servers upon communication by you.

11. COPPA and GDPR compliant

We, contractually obligate schools/educators/teachers to obtain parental consent that our services can be used in compliance with COPPA, GDPR and any law regulates the use of online service by an users under the age of 16.


TutorPlus uses appropriate, physical, managerial and technical measures to help protect your personal information. While we have taken reasonable steps to secure the personal information provided by you. Please be aware that despite our best efforts, no security measures are absolutely secure, and no method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other type of misuse.


We ensure the provision of GDPR, Hence, as rights framed by the legislation for residents of Europe Economic Area allows them to access, correct, update, restrict usage, or erase personal information. 

Such residents can do so at any time by contacting us using the contact hello@gotutorplus.com. We seek your consent as to whether or not we process your personal data. The information includes details of the purposes, categories of personal data and the recipients of the personal data. You can revoke such consent at any time or restrict such consent by contacting us hello@gotutorplus.com

14. Cookie Policy

A cookie is a type of small amount of data used as an anonymous unique identifier that enable the device to be identified by our system. In our website we allow cookies to be configured at your preference to collect information and to improve our Service. You will have the option to opt-in. You may disable cookies at any time by modifying browser preference.

You can learn more details about cookies from your browser’s “Help” menu. We will not use cookies or collect any personal information for any purpose other than those stated in this Privacy policy.

15. Use of Third-party API:

The third-party APIs are integrated into TutorPlus services to optimize the user experience within the ambit of our service offer, we act based on the legitimate interest of our services within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 ( f.) of General data protection regulation (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung). Service offers from third parties to integrate content and service. The third-party API may use your IP address because they would not be able to send the content to your browser without the IP address.

List of third-party API used in our offering and their privacy policy

1. Google Drive:      https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/   

2. Youtube:             https://policies.google.com/privacy                                    

3. AWS:                   https://aws.amazon.com/privacy

16. Other important Privacy options

You have the right chosen “opt-out “ option to stop marketing communications we may send you periodically. You can exercise your right to restrict by clicking on the “opt-out” option in the marketing emails. 

17. Promotional events, Emails, and Communications

This website operates an email newsletter and/or notice for promotional and event programs to subscribers about products and services and promotional activities of this website. By clicking on Sign Up, you hereby agree to subscribe to the aforesaid program and to receive, from time to time, the aforesaid email newsletters and/or notices. Should you wish to do so, you can unsubscribe through an online-automated process contained in the aforesaid email newsletters and/or notices.

If you no longer wish to receive emails or other communications from us, you may opt-out by changing preferences at the time you register your account with the Application or logging into your account at any time change settings and updating your preferences.

18. Policy Updates

As and when required, we may update this policy. This website may revise the privacy policy when necessary, and the revisions will be posted on this website. We may update this Policy from time to time and comply with the relevant local privacy laws and regulations. When we make significant changes, we will make an announcement on our official website.

If you do not agree with any part of this Policy or any amended content, you may discontinue the use of the product immediately. If significant changes are made we will notify all our users. By using our services, you consent to this policy.