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What factors affect the cost of an interactive flat panel in India?

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Embracing digital learning through interactive flat panels represents a cutting-edge approach for coaching centres. However, like any technological advancement, implementing such tools comes with its own set of challenges. For smaller tutorial centres, the primary concern often revolves around the cost associated with adopting this technology. Several important factors, such as brand considerations, have a significant impact on the pricing of interactive flat panels. In this short post, we’ll explore the factors that contribute to the fluctuating price tags of interactive flat panels, shedding light on the considerations that impact their affordability in the educational sector.

1. Popularity of the Brand

The pricing of any product on the market is significantly influenced by the brand attached to it. This principle is evident when comparing mobile phones with similar specifications but varying brands; renowned brands often command higher prices. The same holds true for interactive flat panels, where products from well-established brands like Samsung and ViewSonic tend to be on the higher end of the price spectrum. However, in contrast to these brands, TutorPlus X interactive panels offer an appealing and competitive price tag. The pricing strategy for TutorPlus X takes into account the needs of tutors, aiming to empower them with the latest technology while maintaining affordability.

2. Build quality of the interactive panel

The price variation among interactive flat panels on the market is intricately linked to the materials used in their manufacturing. The choice of robust materials elevates the production cost but concurrently enhances the durability of the panel, resulting in reduced maintenance expenses and increased peace of mind for users. For instance, the absence of toughened glass covering on some panels may lower manufacturing costs, but it compromises the panel’s resilience to wear and tear and susceptibility to damage from unforeseen incidents. To address this, a protective layer becomes imperative.

Certain brands incorporate anti-glare coatings, contributing to an enhanced viewing experience for students in varying lighting conditions. Although seemingly a minor addition to the manufacturing process, this feature significantly impacts the final product’s quality and price. In the case of TutorPlus X, meticulous attention has been given to build quality, utilising a robust grade of aluminium and covering the panel with toughened glass that adheres to Level 7 of the Mohs Standard. Additionally, the inclusion of an anti-glare coating further underscores the commitment to delivering a superior interactive panel experience in educational settings.

3. Display size of the interactive panel

An observable phenomenon within the same brand is the variation in prices, similar to the pricing differences seen in televisions based on display sizes. This correlation is grounded in the fact that as the size of the interactive flat panel increases, the materials and effort invested in its manufacturing and handling proportionally escalate. This is reflected in the pricing structure of interactive flat panels, where larger sizes incur higher production costs due to the increased quantity of materials and complexity of the manufacturing process. Consequently, consumers often encounter tiered pricing within a single brand, offering a range of interactive flat panel sizes to cater to diverse preferences and requirements.

4. Configuration of the interactive panel

The efficiency of each interactive flat panel is contingent upon its configuration, which encompasses critical elements such as the operating system, number of cores in the processor, CPU, GPU, NPU, and memory. The demand for an external OPS (Open Pluggable Specification) can further influence the overall price of the interactive flat panel. Given that these configurations are meticulously crafted to process complex inputs, each component within the configuration must possess higher capabilities.

TutorPlus X stands out in this regard, boasting an Octa-core CPU and operating on the Android 12 OS. This advanced configuration not only enhances the panel’s processing power but also ensures seamless and efficient performance, making it a valuable choice for those seeking a high-performance interactive flat panel for educational purposes.

5. Touch Technology

Several panel manufacturers often rely on traditional infrared (IR) technology to incorporate touch interactivity into their displays, either developing it in-house or sourcing it from technology providers. However, this approach can contribute to an increase in the overall price of the interactive flat panel. In contrast, TutorPlus X distinguishes itself by utilizing its patented Optical Touch technology. This innovative system operates with a laser grid, ensuring precise and accurate touch interactions.

Despite the advanced touch technology, TutorPlus X remains committed to keeping its price competitive, particularly with the goal of ensuring cost-effectiveness for tutors in India. By leveraging its proprietary Optical Touch technology, TutorPlus X not only enhances the user experience but also underscores its dedication to delivering cutting-edge features without compromising affordability.

As a brand committed to empowering tutors, TutorPlus has introduced its revolutionary interactive flat panel, the TutorPlus X. Leveraging the benefits of its patented touch technology and with the support of its dedicated brand followers, TutorPlus offers the TutorPlus X panel at an exceptionally competitive price. This commitment to affordability underscores TutorPlus’s dedication to providing cutting-edge technology that enhances the teaching experience without compromising accessibility for educators.

TutorPlus X
The Best Interactive Flat Panel to make your class more Interactive & Engaging  

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Adopting interactive flat panels has come under scrutiny from traditional educators, yet it is undeniably the need of the hour. As we navigate the evolving education scenario, there is a growing demand for innovative tools to enhance the learning experience.